Result Based Approach


The role that science, technology and innovation plays in fueling socio-economic development and improving lives is clear. Despite this, harvesting the benefit is not automatic. Science, technology and innovation must be carefully and optimally planned and implemented in individual countries, in line with national development goals. The need for innovativeness is essential in assessing and applying science and technology in different situations.

Optimal utilization of science, technology and innovation for sustainable socio-economic development requires good leadership underpinned by robust policies and strategies, as well as results-based approach to programme/project design and management. Related to this is the need for multi-stakeholder approach and partnerships, at national level, and at regional and international levels, as necessary.

Many programmes/projects with good objectives have failed because of poor designs, resulting in huge financial and time losses. To successfully produce intended results and impact, programmes/projects must be well designed and managed. Programme/project design elements (objective, outcome, outputs, activities) must be linked in a logical manner. This includes setting programme/project milestones with associated performance indicators and identifying potential risks – to allow effective monitoring and evaluation.